My First Trip To New York City, And Thoughts Of Living There.
By Me. - August 28, 2019

{ photo taken by me in 2018 }
Although I am from Philadelphia and visited my hometown a lot since moving, I never went to NYC although I always wanted to go. My mom who use to spend Summers there with her cousin who drove a subway train back in the day, use to tell me stories all the time about the city that never sleeps, and I loved each and every story, even the crazy ones. I finally made it to NYC back in August of last year. I was visiting my Grandma in Philadelphia and had attended my Grandfather funeral. I needed to get away and I thought about the Big Apple!, so I hopped online and went to the Megabus website and booked a ticket. It took two hours to get there and I was so excited the whole bus ride. Sadly I didn't get to spend much time there and it was so much stuff that I didn't get to see or do, and to be honest I rushed the trip, but best believe I will be back and for a couple of days to really soak in the city. All I did was hangout in Time Square and did a little shopping with my dad.

The only way I will ever move to NYC is if I can live comfortably, and what I mean by that is if I can find a nice size affordable place in a somewhat safe area. One thing about growing up in the south a majority of my life is that I am use to space and living comfortably. I cannot be crammed into a small confined space and paying $2,500-$3,000 a month for basically nothing but a box. Now with that said, I have been looking at surrounding cities. I have started doing small research on Ohio, New Jersey and Boston. I would love to live in NYC though and experience all that it have to offer, but I will not sacrifice the little sanity I have left by moving there and living in a box and broke, something I see people doing all the time. When it's not really that serious to me, I can wait.
If you know any affordable areas that is worth taking a look at, feel free to drop a comment below and tell me. One thing I have going for me is I don't have any kids right now and I am single, so I only have myself to worry about. Oh, and I don't drive! so that means no car payments and no car insurance payments, which means more money that I will have in my pockets.